Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Worm Catchers and The Cullens

So what happens when you need structure?  My personal belief is that if you trust yourself and your decisions- and still feel like an eating plan is right for you, then you should be at peace with that decision.  If you feel like you need to step back in order to be present- then that's the right thing.  Making a decision with a present, whole mind will result in a whole decision.  

I'm 147.0 lbs. Yes, I weighed myself.  Still down.  Just slowly, slowly down.

I won't lie- I wish it were 140.7 lbs.

But it's fine.  I've learned that the scale reveals a number.  And that's about it.

In Food News.....

After dabbling in vegan eating for TWO WHOLE WEEKS I've decided I feel better without sugar and dairy.  Verdict is still out on meat.  It's just so juicy and lovely and... dead.

So I went through some of my old weight watchers stuff and rediscovered The Core plan.




Sounds funny to me.  So I'm doing a version of Core-minus a lot of the dairy.  Add a few glasses because....Duh.

In Fitness News....

In an effort to not go insane, bootcamp has now been divided into two groups: Worm Catchers (morning crew) and The Cullens (obviously better, night crew).  I'm in the night crew.  We're going to meet Mon and Wed at 7:30pm instead of 6am.  Brilliant!  I've been struggling with insomnia lately and the 6am wake up call was fanning the flame.  I'm a changer-uppper and it was time.  So changing it up!

Speaking of bootcamp-  we've entered into a bit of a biggest-loser-esk competition.  We have 6 weeks to lose weight.  Whoever loses the most percentage of body weight wins the pot.  Two.  Hundred.  Dollars.  That's, like, 2 months of Starbucks.

The competition ends October 15th.  I have no excuses.  I'm going to do this.  I'm not going to back out. I'm going to lose the weight and win it!  My goal is 1-2 lbs per week.  That should get me back into the 130's again where my jeans fit better and I don't stare at my thighs quite as much.

So, every week on Friday I'll post my weigh in.  I feel like I'm cheating on Geneen Roth by getting on my scale.  But, honest to God, I'm okay with it.  And I still love Geneen.

In other related news......

I scored a 102 point word on my game with my nemesis, Sheila.  She still beat me.   I love her so much.  But I hate her ass face.  (In my best Christopher Guest voice)


Jennifer Johnson McCuller said...

That is exciting about bootcamp....except that I could only do Mondays. I have evening commitments doing Young Life on Wednesday nights :( Oh...and I am going to be adding you to my words with friends list :) I think my user name is jendawg81...but let me make sure. I will add you.

Alessandra said...


this is an AMAZING core foods list if you're interested!

Jen Gordon said...

Thanks Alessandra!

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